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Hey guys, how you all doing, been a long time, hoping everyone is well?

I came across this video just now:

and at the 6.52 mark when the guy moves the right marker it automatically shows the downbeats in pinkish color. I have always been looking for an option to see the downbeats of a track 'on the fly' when loaded in the decks and just wondering is OTSAV/DJ might have this feature please?
Sending you love from the UK Zath! I'll try to get by on the old Warp chat once you're back up and running!

Wishing you speedy healing!
Hey Zath. That's a helluva thing to deal with. I hope very much this goes the best it possibly can.
I am so sorry to hear of this, Zath. I could say "been there, done that" as I have had exactly the same procedure.

The prostatectomy should make things a lot better PROVIDED that the surgeons took plenty of "margin" around the tumour and that the tumour was completely contained within the prostate. You say that the initial pathology indicates that the margins were clear of cancer cells. I certainly hope that is the case, but the next few PSA tests will clarify the situation. If the numbers go up, some metastasization may have occurred. If the PSA levels go above point 2, you should request a PET scan, as that will show any residuals. Numbers lower than point 2 probably won't show.

I assume that there will be follow-up radiation and/or chemo treatment, so it is important that they pin-point where any residual is, else the radiation can adversely affect urinary and bowel activity, even digestive issues may persist.

I wish you all the best with your recovery and prognosis, my friend.
Hi everyone and especially Milky!

(of course, theres Jammin'Adam, Mainesmixx, Kev, Lane, Jeff, Tim Gainer, Jigger, etc... )

not sure how to open this thread, but I'll give it a try...

As of August 2023, I went in for some routine tests and stuff and it was found that I had "a problem" with my bloodwork and that my PSAs were "off the charts". As of January 10, 2024, a biopsy revealed that it was stage 4 Cancer (18 samples, 14 positive with a Gleason 7/7) in the prostate and that my life expectancy was "less than 3 years".

On April 2, 2024 I went in to the hospital for Radical Prostatectomy surgery (they removed the Prostate and lymph nodes). I am currently in recovery (healing) from the procedure. it will be many months, to say the least.

its not all bad news, though, still too early to say, but initial labwork shows that they may have gotten ALL of the Cancer in-time and that, perhaps, planned radiation treatments may not be needed!

I'll keep you all up-to-speed as I figure all of this out! (and I'm sure I have added many years back on to my life! :) )

Who's Casting? / Re: a SIDE project...
Last post by Lane - December 21, 2023, 02:38:32 PM
That sucks Zath! :(

I suppose it's useless to try and get them to be responsible and replace it.
Who's Casting? / Re: YEP...CLASSICHRISTMAS IS B...
Last post by DJ_Zath - December 19, 2023, 07:27:02 PM
I have been trying to get the xmas feed.. but been having no luck...  I'm going to be calling you  (I have been, actually) regarding this.. heh
Who's Casting? / Re: a SIDE project...
Last post by DJ_Zath - December 19, 2023, 07:24:47 PM
this project has been shelved permanently until further notice as a series of mishaps and bad advice caused me to completely DESTROY the system (computers and SSDs) and it won't be returning untill I can get another new computer to dedicate to the project!

for those who know me...  NO! I didn't destroy it with a sledge heheh basically, a tech was INSISTING that I "hot swap" the drives claiming that "the protocol states it must be hot swappable" (I believe they couldn't be bothered by the small amount of extra time it was taking me to power-cycle the machine as I was switching in and out various drives, cards and parts... per UEFI...); they were wrong! at the second time (plugging-in the SSDs) the motherboard shorted out and the magic smoke escaped- so I lost it all! the thing is, I knew BETTER and despite my protest, I listened to that tech, anyways, and now, the damage is done!
Who's Casting? / Re: YEP...CLASSICHRISTMAS IS B...
Last post by Jigger - December 02, 2023, 10:48:48 AM
Coming through loud and clear  :thumbsup:
Who's Casting? / Re: YEP...CLASSICHRISTMAS IS B...
Last post by milky - December 01, 2023, 09:38:15 PM
Have a great broadcast gig, Tim!