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Great news, Zath.
My first result was point zero, zero four (.004) but it has since crept up gradually to point teo (.200) so, sadly not as good a result as yours. Now I have to wait until the result is large enough to show on a PET scan, so I'm basically a ticking time bomb.

Glad to hear that you came through cleanly. Enjoy life, we only get one shot at it.
That's wonderful news!
The Lounge. No business, just chit chat. / In other news....
Last post by DJ_Zath - July 20, 2024, 07:53:47 PM
I have finally broke down (literally!) and went out and bought a brand new modern PC!

(I know, I know... SHOCKING!)

2024 model with Windows 11 (I know, another shocker!)

I still got a LOT of playing around to do with it..  I already "DE-bugged" it (yes, removed all the mal/spy/trojan/paywall/cripple-ware out) and, sure, I have more to catch and do...  then OTS goes IN! (once they reset my licenses, that is heheh)

after that, I will get back to the OHML writing  (that's also about ready for release, too!)


sorry that I haven't gotten here a little bit sooner, but I simply haven't had the time!

my PSA tests have come in... and here are the results... and what the doctor said:

PSA (as of July 10, 2024):  0.013 (or UNDETECTABLE)

The doctor stated:  "this is the absolute BEST outcome we could have hope for"

The cancer has been TOTALLY eradicated; I am in FULL REMISSION!

(though I am still incontinent)

This means I will live! YEY! heheh

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers...  I think you all helped tip the scales in my favor! :)

Who's Casting? / Cricket Radio (update)
Last post by renovicini - July 13, 2024, 03:40:57 AM
This hobby has come a long way for me since 2004 with just one stream from home on the old DSL connection.

Today, I run four stations:

Variety Hits (Top 40)
Classic Hits
Country Hits

All streams available on my website
All powered by OTS from home streaming to my four 1 Gbit/s VPS servers hosted off-site using AzuraCast
All streams using BreakawayOne at 192aac - Reference Hot

I love this hobby

Thanks for listening
Login and forum issues / Re: Just an observation...
Last post by DJ_Zath - June 24, 2024, 03:17:31 AM
Quote from: socialdancer on June 11, 2022, 10:45:26 PMI don't do social media either, but I did peek through the curtains at the FB page.  It appears to have been comandeered by two people, an admin and a mod, who decided that as things had gone quiet they would flood the page with postings of music videos from Youtube.  They then changed the rules to make that OK and now threaten to ban anyone who objects!  :ohmy:

Hooray for this forum!  :thumbsup:

FacePuke ... BLAH!

I USED to be on there... for years! but I was thrown off (and, to this day, STILL don't even know why! its suspected that its because I regged the channel as "WARP Radio" and not with my real name...  now, considered a BIG "no-no" and, I guess, grounds for getting thrown off!  but, you know what?? THEY CAN KEEP IT! heh!  I think I still have a sub-page called "Friends of WARP" on there, but I can't even visit it without an account (and I KNOW they BANNED one of my IP blocks anyways), one of the other members of it took it over and posts on it, I think.)
Dear Clovie,

It's great to see you and I'm glad you emerged to say hello. You are loved and appreciated, greatly.

Greetings Zath & Friends!

Some things are important enough to require that one pokes their head out from under their rock of silence.  Reading belated news of friend Zath's continued health ordeal is a worthy reason to say hello to the world.

Zath, buddy you have just had one challenge after another since your loss of the Apron Man, but the thing that is most impressive about you is that you are a fighter; and no matter what life throws at you, you claw your way back to the top of the hill one more time.  It is an amazing personality trait, and I admire you for possessing it.  I know with good hard work on the part of you, and your doctors you will beat this latest challenge too.

If Doctor Milky can be the Cancer Teflon man, then so can you!!!  Be well my friend.

To all of my friends here I miss you greatly, and wish you all the best.

Until the next dimension

The "Coluch."
Milky:  I haven't gone in yet... in a couple more weeks- then I can tell you the numbers.
Hi Zath. What are your PSA numbers now? Care to divulge?